There is a small, white porcelain plate on my windowsill that reminds me daily, in a beautiful burgundy scroll, to "follow after the things which make for peace." I see this every morning as I rinse out my coffee cup. Many days I say out loud, "You lead. I'll follow."
Why is peace so hard to find? We just finished a season full of Peace on Earth cards, blessings, and wishes. It appears to be something we are all longing for. The answer seems obvious. Make peace in your own corner. If everyone did this, wouldn't it add up to Peace on Earth?
I've always needed, searched for peace in my life. I guess that makes me a Peacemaker. I avoid arguments and judgements. I can't stand bullies or anyone being left out. It's a burden being a Peacemaker. Those of us with this malady are very sensitive. We want calm and harmony. When my boys were young, normal disagreements and fights happened. I would step between them, without taking sides and tell them to "take it outside." They would, most times finding sticks, bugs, or a tree to climb, quickly forgetting the argument. I'm not sure if this was the right parenting technique, but it brought peace. I just hope it taught them to follow after peace, rather than swallow their angst.
I seek peace in nature. That's where the sharp edges are softened. Walking. Noticing. A deer untangling his antlers from the honeysuckle that smells so sweet. Gazing at the soft greenness of moss under a tree. Listening. Leaves rustling. Woodpeckers knocking. Birds singing. This is what I follow. I try to be mindful. I don't have all the answers. Just a longing for tolerance, accepatance, inclusion.
Wishing you peace for 2016. Namaste. Now...for just a little while.