Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Snow Day

Snowcation: A day or two away from routine, preceded by (at least in Central Virginia) anxious anticipation, accompanied by hoarding of bread, milk, toilet paper, and 24 hour Weather Channel watching. The two  "cation" days are spent mostly warding off Cabin Fever. This malady is characterized by an intense need to rid driveways and walkways of every single snowflake so that one can drive somewhere, anywhere for.....something.

I do not comply with the Central Virginia protocol for snow days. I guess that makes me a snow rebel. For this last storm, I did pre-shop for chocolate, wine and beef stew fixings. I inventoried and readied candles, matches, and flashlights....just in case. Secretly hoping we might lose power for just a few hours for some real slowed down ambiance.

No cabin fever here. I love nature's winter pageant. The Overture starts as fine snow sifts from the clouds, clinging to the trees, just to make sure we see it. Then the fat, fluffy flakes fall. The Best in Show. I love watching them dance, twirl and swirl, creating surreal landscapes on the deck and the ground. For the observer this is the time to get lost in winter solitude. Abandon the normal routine. Eat more, read more, nap more. The final act of accumulation adds a Crescendo of wind, a Coda of snow mixed with sleet and then it's done. All is quiet.

A beautiful silence. My favorite time to walk. Me making footprints in powder while dogs dance on drifts. Snow....Now for just a little while.