Thursday, November 13, 2014

Written October 6, 2010 7:21 pm

Anita had another good day.  She was up and dressed and ate a good breakfast.  She went off the vent at 09:00 a.m.  Anita then had a pet Therapy session with Maisy, a friendly Rottweiler, which was very much appreciated.  A meeting with Assistive Technologies followed.  She then ate lunch.  In the afternoon, she had a group therapy session with other patients.  Anita then participated in a Skype video call with her sons, her mom, and her cousin.  Anita then read the latest Caringbridge guestbook entries.  Anita is touched by and feels the many good wishes and prayers heading in her direction.  She looks forward to hugging and thanking everyone in person.  She also thanks everyone for watching out for and supporting our family, including Trudy, during this time away from home.  Anita then retired to bed and remained off the vent until 8:30 pm, for a total of 11.5 hours off the vent!!  She then rested for the remainder of the evening.

There are many service dogs here at the Shepherd Center, helping some  of the working staff perform their jobs.  Golden retrievers, Yellow Labs, Black Labs.  They are beautiful, but they are working, so I am not supposed to pet them.  I've always had a dog in my life. It's a comfort to me to just observe these  magnificent canines.

I miss my dog.  I think of her often, knowing she would be here if she could.  Helping me with my recovery.  Trudy's soulful eyes looking up at me. Her slick black  head resting on her spotted paws.  Understanding me.  Loving me just the way I am. Wanting no more.  Well.... maybe a treat.

Animals are good for the soul.  My visit from Maisy, the "therapy dog" was the best therapy I've had at Shepherd.  Maisy is a huge black and tan Rottweiler.  I heard her collar jingle as she came into the therapy gym door at my back.  I was side lying on the mat in PT when she arrived.  Her owner asked permission for Maisy to visit.  I joyfully accepted. This warm heavy dog jumped up on the mat and spooned me.  It was wonderful.  What a gift.  She stayed there for a good 5 minutes, nuzzling my left hand (my weaker upper extremity) encouraging me to pet her. 

I smiled ear to ear and did the best that I could.  When satisfied with my "performance", Maisy jumped off the mat and sat on the floor looking up at me.  She was beautiful.  Working at the Shepherd Center, I was sure she'd seen more than her fair share of suffering.  But her eyes didn't show it.  There was a kindness in those brown eyes.  An understanding that went beyond human comprehension.  Maisy didn't ask for one more rep on an exercise.  She didn't pity.  She just knew.  What a blessing to get a visit from such a kind soul.  Dog therapy.  The best yet.  Thank you Maisy.  Now....for just a little while.

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